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50 per cent discount on videos for DyM-Club members
By Matthias on Thursday, 15 January 2009
Category: Standard

50 per cent discount on videos for DyM-Club members

Of course, most people own more DVDs than videos nowadays. But still: Why should you mothball your video recorder already? Videos still do exist, even if the technique is a bit outdated now. And for some videos there is still no equivalent on DVD and there might never be one. For the next 30 days, we are going to give a 50% discount on the last videos we have in stock to members of the DyM-Club. (This discount will not be shown in the webshop, but it will be taken into account manually when writing the corresponding invoice...)

If you shouldn't be a member already, you can have a look here and join the club:

The videos are:

Carolina Zokalsky, Mora Godoy, Carlos Gavito, Osvaldo Zotto

Josie Neglia, RazzMTazz, Marlon Silva

Caetano Veloso, Carlos Jobim, Gal Costa
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