Piazzollas Four Seasons in Buenos Aires provide the framework for this CD, with further pieces harmoniously arranged within this structure. But I admit, I am understating things here! Listening to this CD again, I consider the structure no less than brilliant! „El aeroplano“ by Roberto Firpo magics the mild spring evening breeze onto my cheeks – I am actually able to say this right now because I am writing this in spring time and in the evening too! Via „Triunfal“ by Piazzolla we continue the journey to the summer in Buenos Aires („Verano Porteño“). What joy! And I can already feel the sweat running down my temples because I cannot remain on my seat when listening to the summer Tangos and valsecitos. Rarely have I enjoyed a more vivid interpretation of „Bordoneo y 900“. I find myself sitting in a theatre - is it the Teatro Cervantes in Buenos Aires? - and barely half into this piece I cannot resist jumping up from my seat and wanting to applaud the orquestra. „Desde el alma“ does not get me back onto my seat but instead I start dancing, oblivious to my surroundings.
Following the subsiding autumn gales of the „Otoño Porteño“ I contemplate Piazzolla's „Ballad for an Insane“ and I find myself levitating into the night carried by the question and answer game of „Nocturna“. „Lágrimas y sonrisas“ is so wonderfully danceable in this smooth interpretation by the Ensemble Libertango, peaking in a fulminant ending. I immerse myself further in the autumn, accopanied by the sensitive approach and, by the same token, so intense interpretation of „Nostalgias“, where the various instruments seem to bring to the fore contradictory thoughts and feelings and at the right time unite them all back to harmony.
Winter in Buenos Aires („Invierno Porteño“) first makes me slide into melancholy and then instils me with newly found confidence and I really think that it is a successful transition to „Libertango“. Here, the piano evokes the sound of the falling winter rain which is then replaced by the supporting bow instruments. This is followed by the accordion intervening and all together they eagerly advance to the grand finale. I just love this piece!
Immediately I listen to „El Porteño“ once again and I discover more magic... Unbelievable!
This CD will definedly accompany me on my next flight to Buenos Aires. At the moment, I can hardly image a more enjoyable transition from Europe to Argentina. “.
Susanne Mühlhaus