Cuban movies have a quality which is recognized by cineasts worldwide. The German production company Icestorm has now decided to produce a series of Cuban film classics. We just couldn't contain ourselves and we are happy to amplify our catalogue by these movies from Cuba!
The series "Meisterwerke des kubanischen und lateinamerikanischen Films" is a wonderful collection of award-winning movies, portraits of Fidel Castro and Ché Guevara and a music documentary. Below, you will find a list of the DVDs available with the directors' names and the release date. Click on "Reviews", and you will find summaries in English, Spanish and German.
Please follow the link to the respective DVD and you will find information on the languages and subtitles available. The price of 13,49 Euro for Club-Premium-members or 14,99 for customers not being members of the DyM Club is an introductory offer.