Choose the suitable course for 2012 right now!
Because in 2011 most of the tango journeys to the rural ambience of Umbria were fully booked within a few weeks after they had been announced. Therefore we recommend not to hesitate to get an overview of which workshop would suit you best concerning topic and date.
The program for 2012 has been extended substantially and ranges from the end of March to the beginning of November, comprising altogether 16 courses!
Pets may be brought and even child care is offered.
And with this top-class lineup of tango teachers the only question remaining is, which course you are going take...

And these are the first choice tango teachers waiting for you in 2012:
Fabian Salas & Lola Diaz
Ricky Barrios & Laura Melo
Brigitta Winkler
Filippo Avignonesi & Yulia Yukhina
Daniela Pucci de Farias & Luis Bianchi
Yvonne Meissner & El Pibe Avellaneda
Michael Lavocah & Siobhan Richards
Wolfgang Sandt
Andreas von Maxen & Laura Priori
Susanne Illini & Harald Rotter
Kathrin Holtz & Jens Dörr
Andrea & Andres
Detailed information on the tango holidays in Italy 2012