Tantra and Dance

For the first time this year we are offering Tantra also for English speaking people. This event will take place end of August in Italy. Since most of you are interested in Tango and Salsa I can tell you, that everything you can find in this retreat can be related with your way of dancing. There will be no instruction in terms of technique, but you will get more conscious about the way how to get in contact with your partner. The key for getting in contact with your partner is the contact that you have with yourself. And you can use the experiences with yourself in all parts of your life, in dancing as well as in your relationship(s).

Tantra is not what you might think about Tantra. And it is not what you have heard or read about it. Tantra is experiencing yourself. You can find more information reading the description of this seminar on our site.

Although there will be no announced dancing classes during this week we do have a wonderful seminarroom and soundsystem. You will have ample space and time to do whatever you feel like to create and enjoy.

Read more about our retreat in Apennin Mountains from August 30 to September 6, 2017!

What’s going on in “Danza y Movimiento”?
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Friday, 14 March 2025