What’s going on in “Danza y Movimiento”?

Matthias Moebius 200x300
Matthias Möbius

You might ask why I am writing so little. The answer is easy – I  am busy with lots of projects. Some of them might be interesting for you if you are interested in Cuba or if you want to hear about a new tango project.

First of all Cuba. Every time you think it is the last time, but it is not. When I was announcing the group travel which took place in February 2017 I really thought it would be the last time that I would go to Cuba with a group. In the end this trip was so full of life and individual experiences for everyone who came with me, I decided to make a new offer for coming February 2018. And here it is – you can still join this group for a unique experience in contact with Cuban people, with their life and with their way of dancing. (I know, everyone says that his trip is unique – but mine really is …) In 2018 I will even offer some possibilities to practice yoga and meditation together. This is new and this way we will be able to go to deeper levels together … Read more and book the trip right nowand book the trip right now

For all lovers of Tango music a sneak preview to our next project: in 2018 we will start a new series which will include complete recordings of some orchestras, lots of “unknown” titles and much more titles than you can find on our albums we have produced until now. Stay in touch and you will get all information as soon as the first albums will be available next year.

Have a nice Christmas time


Move and relax in Italy
Tantra and Dance


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Monday, 31 March 2025